7 Ways Dads Can Raise Smart Kids

The best thing any dad can do is be loving and supporting, but there are a few boxes you can check if you’re serious about giving your kids the best opportunity to reach their full brainy potential.P1010556

1. Feed them right. Make sure kids get a healthy breakfast, and go from there. Recent studies also recommend added doses of Omega-3s for developing brains.

2. Teach them a language. Second language development actually changes the neural pathways in the brain. At the very least, a second language teaches kids to see things from other points of view, and gives them a special lens on other cultures.

3. Play music. Music is like another language, but is also related to mathematics in its structure.

4. Read with them and in front of them. Readers are thinkers and doers. Make sure to set the example.

5. Travel. The more kids see of other places, the more curious they will be.

6. Get art. Art teaches independent thinking.

7. Understand your child’s learning style. Kids do learn in different ways. If you let a teacher define your child because he or she fails under only one style, you’re giving up on your child.

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