A Book for Memories

You need to keep a record of your baby’s
shots. This way, if you move or change doctors,
you can make sure that the new doctor or clinic
has correct information about your baby.
You will need proof that your baby has had all
his shots when he goes to school or day care.

One way you can keep information about your baby is with a baby book or
memory book. You can use any kind of notebook or scrapbook. In the book,
you can keep health records and other information about your baby’s
health, growth and development.

You can write down all his great “firsts” in it: when he first sits up, crawls,
walks or talks. You can write dates and symptoms when he gets sick. You
can write monthly weights and heights and when he gets each tooth. This
health information is important to have.

You can use your book to keep other interesting pieces of information
about your child. You can put in fun things you want to remember. Put in
photos of your baby. You can write down cute things he does and says. Later
on, you can save drawings by your child.

When he is older, you and your child can have fun looking at the memory
book together.

This content has been provided freely by CMC. Click Healthy Start, Grow Smart—Your Three-Month-Old for your free download. Click GreatDad Free Ebook to download the entire Health Start, Grow Smart series.

Note: For info on sex after delivery, subscribe now to the GreatDad newsletter for new dads.

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