Baby Bonding Book for Dads

We love this idea so much we’re asking Jennifer and James to join our contributing authors on This book, and sentiment, would make a fine gift for new dads. In my experience, real close bonding with my kids didn’t happen for me until they were about three and a half. I felt guilty about it at first, but came to appreciate the changing roles of moms and dads as the baby grows up. The baby also wants mommy so desperately for a long time, that it’s normal for dad to sometimes feel a little bit outside looking in. Great Dads won’t resent that, but prepare themselves for the “age of dad,” around four to five, when dad becomes the king of fun around the house, if he wants that role. Still, any book that offers tips to bring you closer to the baby is good during those early days, especially since you’re setting the pattern (for you and your child) for a lifetime to come. The Baby Bonding Book for Dads: Building a Closer Connection With Your Baby by James Di Properzio, Jennifer Margulis.


 – Paul Banas

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