Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for what age?

After consuming the first three Harry Potter Books in short order, I slowed down when we reached Number 4, The Goblet of Fire. Teachers and parents had warned me that “they get dark” after number three and I wasn’t looking forward to creating any undue trauma in my little seven year old. The Goblet of Fire lived up to its reputation, both creepy and gruesomely violent at the end. My daughter, at nine, though, enjoyed it and begged for Number 5.

I see little kids who are reading number seven, and other kids who don’t read the stories until age 12? What is the most appropriate age for Number 5?

Now, as the summer hits mid-stride, we’re already talking about The Order of the Phoenix and restarting our evening Harry Potter Ritual. I’m looking forward to spending long stretches reading to her and sharing the experience. And, I’m calculating that if we only read one once a year, I can stretch this ritual out until she’s thirteen.

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