Do daughters equal divorce in some families?

Some recent stories about your child’s gender affecting whether or not you’ll get divorced may have left a lot of fathers thinking.

The New York Times reported that data suggests that parents of girls are 5 percent more likely to divorce than parents of boys. In addition, the more daughters a couple have, the greater their likelihood to divorce is.

Some psychologists say that since women are more likely to actually file for divorce, those with daughters pull the trigger and go through with it. One expert explained to that “wives with daughters are less likely to stay with their husbands because they know that with a girl, they’ll never be lonely or without help.”

Other experts explain the findings by saying that perhaps fathers “prefer” sons and will work harder at their relationships to benefit them.

Regardless of whether you have sons or daughters, relationship experts say there are things couples can do to avoid divorce. They include communicating, spending quality time together, focusing on intimacy and seeking counseling.

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