I circumcised my son, and now I regret it

Religion? Tradition? Just plain old good hygiene? The issue of circumcision goes back to the days of Moses, but parents still typically put a great deal of time and thought into the decision to circumcise (or not) their sons.

If you decided to circumcise your little guy but are now worrying that this was one fatherly move that didn't quite make the cut, it may make you feel better to consider that many parents are happy and secure in their decision to snip.

Nevertheless, if you're experiencing remorse, you're probably wondering if there's any conclusive evidence to suggest that circumcision leads to better hygiene, or that it has anything to do with not perpetuating generations of tradition-for-tradition's-sake.

Luckily, a 2009 study by the National Institutes of Health found that in addition to previous findings that circumcision reduced the risk of HIV by up to 60 percent, the procedure was linked to a reduced risk of contracting HPV and herpes. All signs are currently pointing to "you did the right thing," so breath easy.

If you're still feeling guilty about altering your son's body without his consent, possibly reducing his future sexual pleasure or even imposing values on him that he may not grow up to agree with, you're not alone. You should consider that how your son ends up feeling about it is ultimately more important, and he may even be glad you did it. Make it a point to have an honest discussion about your decision when he's old enough – you may both feel better having shared your concerns. 

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