Parenting advice for talking to kids about sex

A recent Harvard University study found that parents are waiting too long to talk to their kids about sex. It found that 40 percent of girls and 46 percent of boys had already been sexually active before their parents had the dreaded "birds and bees" talk with them. Talking to your kids about sex is important, especially since kids are becoming sexually active much younger than in the past. And, there are ways to make the conversation easier and less uncomfortable for you both.

Some parenting experts say it’s important for parents to be honest about sex with their kids from an early age. Remember to keep your explanations and descriptions age-appropriate, but don’t shy away from talking about it or answering questions. If your kids feel comfortable discussing things early on, it will make it easier as they get older.

Reading books with your children may also help make the conversation go more smoothly. Check out your local library or talk to your pediatrician about resources that may be helpful.

Many experts say it’s not a good idea to simply give your child a book and send him or her away to read it on their own, however. While older children and adolescents may read on their own, fathers should read the book as well and discuss it with their kids.

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