Parenting tips for planning a vacation on a budget

The cold, dull and busy winter in some parts of the country has left many parents and kids dreaming of a get-away. But with finances and budgets tight, many can’t even imagine saving enough for a family vacation. Experts say there are ways to make this dream come true and the first step is to start planning and saving!

After making a wish-list of vacation destinations, fathers should get to work researching everything from airfares to hotel prices to entrance fees at local attractions. The earlier you start this process, the better. And, experts say to add an extra $500 onto your working budget for expenses that may come up.

Start by saving as much as you can each pay cycle and encourage your kids to do the same. You can also eliminate the weekly pizza delivery or night at the movies and opt to put that money into the fund too. And invest the money in a high-interest savings account to ensure you’ll get the best return on it.

If you can, plan the trip for an off-peak time. School vacation weeks are notorious for being expensive weeks to travel. Try a trip to the beach before the Fourth of July holiday or a trip to a popular family destination when school’s still in session to cut down on expenses.

While you’re there, be conscious of spending and look for ways to save like packing your own snacks, using refillable water bottles each day, splitting meals at restaurants and taking advantage of coupons and other specials.

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