Raising a girl to appreciate her body and mind

Relationships can be difficult for fathers and daughters. It can be hard for fathers to grasp the balance between teaching a daughter to love her body as it is and appreciating her mind. Society stresses physical beauty, but lately, movements have worked on counteracting these pressures and focusing on the mind instead. So how does a father figure out if he's praising his daughter's beauty too much or too little?

Little girls can be easily influenced by their peers. Oftentimes, the discussion among young females center around jewelry, shoes and whose mother let whom use nail polish this past weekend. Before you invest in a new wardrobe for your daughter, pay attention to the conversations she brings home from daycare or school. If everyone at school talks only about physical beauty and possessions, try discussing a school subject that your girl excels in or praising her on a piece of art she created.

Though it is important to teach your daughter to appreciate her mind, it is equally important to educate her on loving her body image. It is critical to drive your daughter to believe that she is beautiful as she is and that fashions come and go. With practice, balancing an appreciation for your daughter's mind and body will come naturally. 

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