Tiger Dad an effective parenting technique?

There has been a lot of attention recently given to the concept of a "Tiger Mom." The term comes from a Chinese mother's strict parenting techniques as laid out in the book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua. Some have criticized the style, but others have applauded its disciplinary style and results.

But what about a Tiger Dad? Are men as willing to adhere to a no-nonsense parenting style if it means that their kids will be super-successful? Jed Rubenfeld, a Yale law professor and the husband of the book's author, seems to think so.

 "I’m in complete agreement with all the values by which Amy and I tried to raise our kids," he told The Wall Street Journal.

While many fathers may be looking to be buddies with their sons or daughters, establishing disciplinary boundaries is important as well. Specifically, having a consistent approach toward punishment and praise. If one's child knows exactly what will happen if they misbehave, or what they will receive for good behavior, it will pay dividends later.

While there are certainly benefits to the technique, the strict approach has earned its fair share of critics, many of whom insist it may be too extreme and rigid. However, every parenting method works differently depending on the person using it, and each dad should figure out what's best for him and his kids. 

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