Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Having Fun

Moms teach kids to stick to a routine while dads inspire
them to be more flexible. Goofing off seems to come easier to dads. Watching
dad feel free enough to be wacky, without concentrating on schedules or on how
long it takes food to cook, can be a valuable lesson for kids. Moms still bear
most of the burden for making sure the house is clean, dinner is on the table,
and the kids are on schedule. Dads teach kids to take life less seriously and
have some serious fun.

Dads are different in the way they nurture and express their
affection, and kids love it. For example, a dad may play in a puddle with his
kids—it’s his way of telling his kids that he enjoys their kind of fun because
he loves them.

What do dads often do with kids different from mom? They go
outside and play ball, build a model or some furniture, repair a car, play a
computer game, wrestle around on the floor, and help kids find creative
approaches to tackle their homework. All of these activities, if done with
compassion and respect, build a child’s self-confidence.

Navigate through the following links to read the entire article.

Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Introduction

Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Handling Emotions

Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Inspiring Self-Confidence

Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Handling Responsibility

Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Disciplining Kids

Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Having Fun

Top Five Ways in which Dads are Different: Conclusion

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