Top Five Tips for Dads on Balancing Life and Work

Most modern day dads and especially new dads would love to spend time with their kids. However, the work schedule usually prevents dads from balancing life and work. Time flies and before they know it, most dads find that their kids have already grown up. Their desire to make time for those magic years never materialized.

Balancing life and work is not easy. It continues to be a challenge to set apart quantity and quality time to spend with kids. Here is a brief list of tips that might help. Please add your own tips in the comments box at the end.

1. Create a Priority List

Type or write down your list of regular tasks and set priorities. If spending time with your kids is one of your priorities, list it. Writing down your priorities and goals, if not overdone, has a magical ability to turn thoughts into actions.

2. Create a List of the Less Important Activities

Do you spend time reading the newspaper cover to cover? Do you spend time aimlessly surfing TV channels? List these and other less important activities here. You can fit in only a certain number of activities in a 24-hour schedule. You will need to say “No” to some activities that you normally do without thinking. Though it may be difficult, it is important to learn to say “No.” You need to prioritize things that matter the most and say “No” to the things that matter the least.

3. Ensure Your Workplace is Family Friendly

Workplaces need to recognize that their employees are real people with real needs—that they are “humans” or “persons” and not just “human resources” or “personnel.” Learn how to identify and select an organization which will be friendly to your family commitments.

4. Eat Together

Make sure your family eats at least one meal a day together. It may not always work, but you need to at least set a schedule. Experiment with different methods for making a mealtime together work for your family. Eating together creates one opportunity for all family members to voice an opinion and understand what’s going on.

5. Start Having Family Night

Set aside one night a week to be together—no TV, interruptions, no excuses. Get everyone to modify their work schedules, set aside other demands, and spent the evening together. Try activities such as working together in the yard, being involved in community service projects, or visiting relatives together. Alternatively, try fun activities like hiking, playing board games, going on a picnic, or a party games night.

These five measures alone may not balance to your life and work. However, they can be a great start to help you find more ways to bring complete harmony into your life and work.

Use the Comments section below to share your tips, views, or experiences with other dads.

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