Stocking stuffer idea or gift for rough and tough dad

The folks at
On the Job Lotion and Cleaners sent me some samples of their products for guys who work with their hands, or guys like me who get stuck with the dirty chores on the weekends. I’ve had a chance to try them and they look pretty good. At a bit under $10, they make a nice gift or stocking stuffer for someone who might not go out and buy something for themselves.

I particularly like their On the Job Hand Lotion, which comes in a pump bottle that mixes lotion with antiseptic. I have very dry hands which are always cracking, especially in the winter. This lotion promises to not only moisturize but also kill 99.99% of germs on contact. This makes it a good alternative to drying bacterial wipes and cleansers that quickly dry out the hands if used very often.

They also make On the Job Hand Armor, which protects the hands and makes it easier to clean up after greasy or messy jobs. They also make a hand cleaner that promises to be hard on messes, but easier on hands, as well as a lip balm

Like the old Lava soap ads, these products look very good for hard jobs and worth a look. Review Policy: The featured product for this review was provided to us, at no cost, by the manufacturer or representing PR agency for the sole purpose of product testing. We do not accept monetary compensation for reviewing or writing about products. We only review products that we have personally tested and used in our own homes, and all opinions expressed are our own.

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