Hilary Swank naked

At least that’s what she’s fessing up to in a recent Marie Claire interview. She sleeps in the buff and walks around naked in front of her stepson, aged 6. And therein starts the age-old debate over when it’s appropriate to start dressing when in front of kids. On one side, those who say you should cover up immediately in the delivery room and on the other, those living in nudist colonies feeling free as birds, monkeys and other naked creatures.

Reasonable experts I talk to say you should cover up when you start to feel uncomfortable.

Another issue here is that she is not the child’s mom, so self-selected experts are dying to opine on that difference, and also whether the reaction would be different if it were a 6 year old girl and a stepdad. Again, it’s probably what her family feels comfortable with and really none of my business except for opening up a discussion of what makes sense for me and GreatDad readers. in my most humble opinion, in our house, six would be about the limit, stepmom, stepdad, or whatever. We try to desensationalize all this in our house, preferring to just suggest closing the door. Nudity is no big thing, but we also reach a point where we need to talk about what privacy means as well.

When kids see their parents (or their dad’s girlfriend) naked…

Hilary Swank walks around her house in the buff, even when her boyfriend’s 6-year-old son is around. Isn’t this healthy and natural?

[From The Mommy Files : When kids see their parents (or their dad’s girlfriend) naked…]

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