Money-saving parenting skills: Swap clothes

For fathers who have teenage daughters, there may be a way to exercise their money-saving parenting skills and allow their children to engage in a new trend at the same time.

According to various news providers such as the Los Angeles Times, one of the emerging trends in shopping is women holding swap parties with their friends. This involves a group gathering together and swapping clothes with each other.

The newspaper stated it was a way to "provide a shopping high without buyer’s remorse," with women across the country engaging in the activity in an effort to save money during a weakened economy.

Fathers can take the idea and present it to their teenage daughters, which may be a good opportunity for their daughters to get back-to-school fashions without paying a dime.

The clothes that are brought to the party should be ones the participants either don’t wear anymore or don’t like for any reason. Fathers shouldn’t worry about inviting girls who are all the same size.

It may also be a good idea to organize the clothes in various piles around the room to enhancing the borrowing process.

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