Tips for caring when your children have anemia

Fathers must keep in mind that the type, cause, and severity of their children’s anemia will determine what kind of care is needed. Rest assured, though, that children often tolerate anemia much better than adults.


In general, a child with significant anemia may tire more easily than other children and therefore need to limit activity levels. Make sure that your kids’ teachers and other caregivers are aware of the condition. If iron deficiency is the cause, follow the doctor’s directions about dietary changes and taking any iron supplements.


If the spleen is enlarged, your children may be prohibited from playing contact sports because of the risk that the spleen could rupture or hemorrhage if your children are hurt. Certain forms of anemia, such as sickle cell anemia, require other more specific kinds of care and treatment.

Because they’re growing so quickly, and because they can be picky eaters, it is also not uncommon for kids to suffer from iron deficiency anemia. Luckily, iron deficiency is easily reversible. Iron supplements are a possible way to increase your children’s iron stores. Check with your doctor on the best course of action.

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