Summer tips for dads of stuttering kids

I’ve had several friends and relatives who stuttered and know how painful it can be. If you’re a dad of stutterer, find help for your child and learn to be as patient as you can.

During vacation and throughout the year, there are things parents can do to help a child who stutters. The Stuttering Foundation,, offers these tips:

1. Speak with your child in an unhurried way, pausing frequently. Wait a few seconds after your child finishes speaking before you begin to speak. Your own slow, relaxed speech will be far more effective than any criticism or advice such as “slow down” or “try it again slowly.”

2. Reduce the number of questions you ask your child. Children speak more freely if they are expressing their own ideas rather than answering an adult’s questions. Instead of asking questions, simply comment on what your child has said, thereby letting him know you heard him.

3. Use your facial expressions and other body language to convey to your child that you are listening to the content of her message and not to how she’s talking.

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