Take a Trip with your Toddler

Traveling can be a great idea and a first step towards introducing your children to the world outside. It can also be the beginning for your toddlers’ formative memories.

Compared to adults and teens, infants and young toddlers are the easiest to travel with, given any mode of transportation—be it on the road or by plane. Babies at this age are perfectly happy provided they are given their ‘basic’ comforts—healthy food, clean diapers, and pacifiers or their favorite cuddle toy (Bring on Barney!). The younger they are, the more they will sleep.

However, parents also need to be prepared for the fusses and the emergencies. Here’s how you can make your journey a fun family adventure:

Flying High

It is essential that parents be properly prepared and have the right information if they are traveling with their toddlers by plane:

On the Road

At the outset, car travel with toddlers is easier than flying. However, that doesn’t mean your children won’t get cranky, overtired, or carsick. Follow these tips to make your road trip go as smoothly as possible:

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