It’s a girl? How to cope when your baby isn’t a boy

It isn't unheard of for dads to be a little disappointed upon learning that their new bundle of joy is a female. If you find yourself in this dilemma, don't worry – all of your hopes and dreams aren't shattered. In fact, there are many reasons to be proud of having a girl instead of a boy.

Many dads hope for a boy because they want someone to teach their athletic wisdom to. If you fall into this category, you should know that girls can still fall under the positive influence of sports. You just have to be a little more subtle about introducing the pigskin to your baby girl.

Fathers also tend to be overprotective of their daughters – whereas sons are sometimes easier to guide when it comes to growing up and dating. Even with a boy, the notorious "sex chat" is something that many fathers fear. Luckily, that's what mothers are for – so your job is already covered in that sense.

Last but not least, you might think it'll be harder to bond with a girl since you have a better understanding of manly hobbies. However, little girls usually tend to take their fathers words to heart – hence the phrase "daddy's girl."

As a father, it's important for you to understand that gender typically doesn't affect the way you plan to raise your child. So sit back and relax knowing that your little princess will likely mature in ways that you've never imagined as long as you're there for her. Just don't spoil her too much!

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