World’s Newest OLDEST dad is 94 (video)

All it takes, apparently, for this level of fertility, not to mention longevity, is a daily diet of three litres of milk, half a kilo of almonds and half a kilo ghee (clarified butter). Ramajit Raghav and his wife Shakuntala, 59, gave birth to their son Karamjit in November 2010.

The proud father, who was a wrestler in his youth, puts his virility down to his high-calorie diet.

“I had visited a quack in the village and he gave me some tablets but I didn’t take them and threw them away.”

[From Man is ‘world’s oldest dad at 94’ | The Sun |News]

If his wife’s age is also true, it in itself, is a news item.

We had earlier reported the oldest new dad as Raymond Calvert at 79 in Lancashire, England which the Sun reports as the oldest new father in England who fathered a child with a woman 54 years his junior. The Sun Newspaper reports that the previous world record holder was another Indian, Nanu Ram Jogi who fathered his 22nd child at the age of 90 in 2007.

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