Labor and Birth – Helping your spouse prepare for Labor and Birth

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, once she has reached the third trimester, you and your spouse should talk to her doctor or midwife about labor and delivery. Learn the options for pain relief.

Find out how to reach her if your spouse goes into labor. And ask her at what point in labor should you call. Before she reaches the last few weeks of pregnancy, you and your partner should visit the hospital or birthing center. Make sure you know how to get there, where to park and where to check-in.

Find out if you can pre-register so that your insurance information is already in the computer when you arrive.

Also See:


·       Spotting the Signs of Labor

·       Choosing Where to Deliver

·       Who Should Deliver Your Baby?

·       Managing the Pain

·       Cesarean Sections


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