Pregnancy Basics – Digestive Difficulties


Many pregnant women complain of constipation. According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, high levels of hormones in your spouse’s pregnant body slow down digestion and relax muscles in the bowels leaving many women constipated. Plus, the pressure of the expanding uterus on the bowels boosts the chances for constipation.

Try these tips to help her stay more regular:

Heartburn and Indigestion

Almost every pregnant woman experiences indigestion and heartburn. Hormones and the pressure of the growing uterus cause this discomfort. Pregnancy hormones slow down the muscles of the digestive tract. So food tends to move more slowly and digestion is sluggish. This causes many pregnant women to feel bloated.


According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services, hormones also relax the valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach. This allows food and acids to come back up from the stomach to the esophagus. The food and acid causes the burning feeling of heartburn. As the baby gets bigger, the uterus pushes on the stomach, making heartburn more common in later pregnancy.

Try these tips to help your partner prevent and ease indigestion and heartburn:

Also See:


·        Body Changes

·        Stretch Marks and Other Skin Changes

·        Sleeping Troubles

·        Weight Gain

·        Is it Safe to have Sex?

·        When to Call the Doctor


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