Every father’s dream: Just you and your lawnmower

If you’re like most fathers, it can seem like every moment of your day belongs to someone else.

The moment you wake up, you’re obliged to lift your kid’s face out of his oatmeal and get him ready for school. You can hardly feel like yourself during a morning commute when you’re forced to drive a minivan.

By the time you get to work, an onslaught of meetings, emails from your boss and requests from co-workers erase any chance you may have had of checking on your fantasy baseball team or updating your Facebook page to reflect that "fishing," "reading," and "watching TV," are no longer your hobbies (you now much prefer "sleeping," "working," and "sleeping").

And when you finally do get a minute to yourself, you can’t get "Wheels on the Bus," out of your head.

With a schedule like this, you may have to get creative to enjoy a little personal time. My recommendation – enjoy the sweet air of spring, sip a frosty beverage and drown out the noise of your kids from the seat of your lawnmower.

Remember, while it’s a soothing ride on the mower can be "me time," it’s not Thirsty Thursday at your college bar, so keep a few things in mind.

1.) Depending on the size of your lawn, you should have enough time to finish off a refreshing beer – not a refreshing six pack. Unless you’re looking to spray your yard with shreds of garden hoses, tulips and forgotten baseball gloves, you’d better focus on moderation.

2.) You know its hysterical, your friend’s think it’s hysterical, but you can’t cut obscene images into your front yard. You’re an adult now, and plus, you might be disciplined by the significant other.

3.) It’s appealing, but you can’t go out and mow the lawn every day – these are the actions of a crazy man.

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