Three ways to celebrate Mother’s Day this year

It may be hard to believe, but Mother's Day is just around the corner. Before you know it, it will be May 8 and you and you're kids will be scrambling to find a way to make your wife feel appreciated and loved. It's best to start planning now, and with a little creativity you can create a Mother's Day to remember.

To help make things go a little more smoothly, here are a few ideas to get you started.

1. Brunch in bed. Breakfast in bed is great, but your wife deserves to sleep in a bit on Mother's Day. Let her hit the snooze button will you grill up some bacon, eggs and pancakes on the sly.

2. Take over all housework. While you certainly always pull your weight around the house, go that extra mile on Mother's Day. You and your kids can do all the cooking, cleaning or any other activity that might normally fall on your wife's shoulders. Though dinner might not be as delicious as usual, it's the thought that counts, right?

3. Homemade cards. What a store-bought card offers in terms of appearance, a joint project worked on by you and your kids makes up for in sentiment. Not only will it give your wife a personalized memento, but working on it together with your kids can be a great experience itself. 

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