How to deal with your toddler’s frustrating phrases

How to deal with your toddler's frustrating phrases

A big challenge of fatherhood is the formative years of your toddler, as he develops past the stage of infancy and starts talking. It can be a frustrating experience, as your child can be testy, irritable and defiant to your instructions.

Don't let it frustrate you because the formative years can be some of the most interesting. Here are some things to keep in mind as your toddler learns new phrases.

Encourage speech
While you may not want to sit down and try to interpret everything your toddler is saying, it's important that you encourage him to be vocal. He needs to develop the ability to speak in order to mature, so be patient and engaging. Help him tell a story by asking questions for him to expand on further. 

Have an open mind
As you get older, you may steadily lose some of the spark you had in your imagination. When your toddler begins to show signs of wild ideas and stories, pretend along with him. You'd be surprised at how your child can see and interpret the world compared to you.

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