5 Tips to make mornings easier for you and your kids

Now that the excitement of getting back to school has worn off for most kids, fathers may find that getting their children up and out the door is a little more difficult.

 An important parenting advice tip for dads, especially those of us with school-aged children, is to develop and stick to a routine each day in order to help everyone in the family start their day on the right foot.

Here are some tried-and-true strategies:

1. Set out clothing the night before. Check the weather and help your kids choose what they'll be wearing the next day before they go to bed. This may help avoid arguments about outfits as well as save time in the morning.

2. Give kids enough time to get ready. You know how quickly or slowly your children get moving in the morning. Make sure to wake each child up with enough time to get dressed, cleaned up, fed and out the door based on their individual personalities.

3. Avoid television, computers and toys. Extra distractions could mean a missed bus, forgotten lunch or an argument.

4. Pack snacks, lunches and backpacks the night before. This will help ensure you have enough time to do these things and that you won't forget anything.

5. Eat breakfast. Making sure your kids eat breakfast will help them have enough energy to get through their day and learn better. Keep healthy and portable meals such as yogurt and granola bars on hand for especially busy days.

If you find your morning routine hits a speed bump, experts suggest using a reward system, such as a sticker chart, to give kids an incentive to stick to the plan.

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