Halloween decorations on a budget

You can’t walk into a store this time of year without being bombarded with displays and decorations to make your house the most festive on the block. But some of these store-bought things can cost an arm and a leg! We’ve got some great advice and ideas for fathers who want to decorate for Halloween without breaking the bank.

First of all, half the fun of making your house look spooky is actually getting out there and decorating with your kids. Have them help make decorations like ghost, bat, pumpkin and spider cut-outs to hang from your front door or in your windows. Colored construction paper and crayons and markers are the only supplies you’ll need.

Use an old white sheet to make a ghost to hang outside by a tree. Or, DigsMagazine.com suggests tearing old sheets up and draping them over furniture inside to create an abandoned haunted house effect.

Another great idea is to turn your front yard into a spooky graveyard by cutting tombstone shapes out of old cardboard and painting them. It’s a great activity for kids as well!

Pumpkins are among the most recognized symbol for Halloween. Find the best price near you and load up on pumpkins of all shapes and sizes. Spend a night carving or painting them with your family for memories that will last. (Don’t forget to roast the seeds for a healthy snack!)

If you’re not artistic, don’t forget to check out dollar stores or other discount retailers for pre-made decorations.

And, a great bit of parenting advice is to shop for next year’s decorations after Halloween. You can save as much as 75 percent on leftovers after the holiday.

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