Helping kids enjoy Halloween without cavities

If fathers were to go by the look of some retail stores, they would think Halloween was already here.

There are decorations and costumes out for the holiday, as well as ample bags of candy, which may pose a problem for fathers who have children with a sweet tooth.

Though Halloween is still a little over a month away, it’s good parenting advice to prepare children for the holiday, particularly when it comes to their dental health.

Arranging an appointment with a dentist prior to the holiday is a good way to ensure any of the candy eaten on October 31 won’t further affect a child’s dental health.

It is also be a good idea for fathers to train their son or daughter to brush their teeth every night before bed. The earlier these routines are instilled in them, the better the chances the kids will continue administering dental care when they are older.

According to the American Dental Association, childhood tooth decay is the single most common chronic childhood disease.

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