Save money by having kids trade Halloween costumes with friends

Here’s some parenting advice some fathers may enjoy hearing: forget shopping for a new costume this Halloween and get your kids to trade with their friends.

Halloween, the holiday known for children getting dressed up and asking for candy, is a little over a month away and soon stores will be packed with families forking over a fair amount for this year’s trendiest costumes.

However, instead of waiting in lines and searching through packed aisles, fathers may want to save money this year by gathering a group of families together for a costume exchange.

It’s likely that most children and young teenagers would have kept their costumes from the year before and, because no one wants to wear the same thing twice, would be open to trade.

This may be especially enticing for fathers watching their budget, especially since some children’s costumes can cost anywhere between $30 to $60.

More creative fathers may want to take the older costumes and craft something entirely original, which can double as a bonding exercise between them and their children.

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