Survey: Dads want to do better

It appears most fathers are trying to spend more times with their children as a way to counter the lack of contact they had with their own fathers.

That’s one of the revelations in a new survey by Sullivan Higdon & Sink (SHS), a brand experience firm with a practice area looking to market to men. In the research the firm asked 150 fathers and 150 mothers nationwide about their perceptions of fatherhood.

According SHS senior vice president John January, dads are trying to one-up their own fathers.

"Today’s dads still feel the pressure of old provider stereotypes," January said. "But they’re saying they want to spend more time with their kids than their dads did with them."

With most fathers working fulltime jobs that may require work to be taken home to do late at night, finding time to spend time with their children could be difficult.

One possible answer is for fathers to use their parenting skills to pinpoint their son or daughter’s interests and make an effort to share it with them. For example, if they enjoy the outdoors, plan a weekend bike ride or hike.

A nature hike with dad on the weekend can make up for some missed time during the work week.

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