Eat and Exercise for Two – How can I help my wife prepare her Body for Labor and Delivery?

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), pelvic floor exercises or Kegel exercises can help prepare your spouse’s body for delivery.


The pelvic floor muscles support the rectum, vagina, and urethra in the pelvis. Strengthening these muscles by doing Kegel exercises may help her have an easier birth. They will also help her to avoid leaking urine during and after pregnancy.


Pelvic muscles are the same ones used to stop the flow of urine. Still, it can be hard to find the right muscles to squeeze. Your spouse can be sure she is exercising the right muscles if when she squeezes them she stops urinating. Or she can put a finger into the vagina and squeeze. If she feels pressure around the finger, she has found the pelvic floor muscles.


Here are some Kegel Exercises instructions for the mother-to-be:

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