Eat and Exercise for Two – Why Exercise During Pregnancy?

Whether your spouse is pregnant or not, exercise is one of the
best things she can do for her physical and emotional health. The American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that pregnant women without health problems or pregnancy
complications exercise moderately for 30 minutes or more on most, if not all, days of the week.

Pregnant or not, exercise helps keep the heart, bones, and mind healthy. Staying active
also seems to give some special added paybacks for pregnant women.

Here are some really
good reasons for your spouse to get regular exercise during pregnancy:

Staying active can
protect your spouse’s emotional health. Pregnant women who exercise seem to have better self-esteem
and a lower risk of depression and anxiety.


Also See:

Reviewed by Dr. Shawn
, M.D.

Board Certified Obstetrics and

Last updated: November 2010

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