All fathers are concerned with the health of their children, and results of a new study indicate that weight plays an important role in how healthy youngsters are. Researchers found that kids with higher waist circumference have a greater risk of heart issues, Science Daily reports.
A team of scientists analyzed data from more than 4,600 children between the ages of 6 and 17. They measured waist circumference instead of body mass index, and found that while BMI did not relate to higher pulse pressure, circumference did.
"Measuring waist circumference is a much simpler, more cost-effective and a more valid method of screening for the risk of heart-related disorders than the current practice of determining a child's body mass," lead researcher Dr. Gangadarshni Chandramohan told the news source.
This throws into light the fact that fathers should take steps to ensure their kids eat healthy and are physically active.
Experts suggest that encouraging healthy eating habits starts with parents. Keeping a home that has fruits, vegetables and other nutritious food readily available can be step in the right direction.
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