Fathers who are done shaking their head at the high prices for certain vegetables at the grocery store may want to start a garden of their own, especially with optimal weather just around the corner.
While a garden does require some patience, a successful one can yield enough produce to greatly reduce the weekly food bill.
Vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers are popular options because they can be grown in a garden on the lawn or in separate pots on a porch. The important thing to remember is to purchase soil and be sure to water it daily.
Another way to save on the grocery bill is to grow your own fresh herbs. For approximately $1, a packet of seeds can produce a significant amount of cilantro, parsley, basil and chervil, all of which would cost much more at a store.
The added bonus here is that the herbs can be incorporated into a low-fat diet, making dinners healthier and providing an opportunity for fathers to use their parenting skills to teach their children about the benefits of having a garden.
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