During advanced pregnancy, it is important that both you and your spouse learn to recognize the signs of preterm labor. Preterm labor, also called premature labor, is a serious complication associated with pregnancy. Identifying warning signs, and taking immediate action, may help prevent a premature delivery.
Signs of preterm labor that your spouse needs to watch out for include:
- Contractions occurring at the rate of more than five per hour.
- Bleeding from the vagina.
- Clear watery discharge from the vagina.
- Pain during urination, or symptoms of urinary tract infection or kidney infection.
- Sudden swelling on the face or hands—this could be sign of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), or preeclampsia, a condition associated with premature birth.
- A sharp and extended pain in the stomach—this is also a sign of preeclampsia.
- Continuous vomiting—this could be another sign of preeclampsia.
- Persistent pain in the lower back.
- Feeling of intense pressure on the pelvis.
- If your spouse reports any of the above symptoms, give her a drink of water and call her doctor immediately.
- Drinking adequate amounts of water at all time• Keeping in regular touch with her doctor.
- Watching for symptoms of infection in the bladder or urinary tract, and taking timely treatment.
- Calling up her doctor on noticing anything abnormal.
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