This is the week your spouse is due for delivery. However, there is every possibility that she has already given birth, or may not do so until next week. Due date predictions are not very accurate.
If your spouse’s pregnancy extends beyond her due date, her doctor may decide to induce labor. In fact, there some everyday activities that are popularly believed to induce labor. None of these is medically proven to work. But, if nothing else has helped, there may be no harm in trying one of these. However, do consult your spouse’s doctor about it first.
- Spicy food: This is a popular method of bringing on labor naturally. Certain spices such as cumin are especially considered effective in stimulating the onset of labor.
- Walking: Walking is a simple and pleasurable way to induce labor. It helps push the baby deeper into the pelvis. It helps to make the contractions, once they have started, more regular. This way it can encourage labor to progress smoothly.
- Sex: Natural prostaglandins found in semen help to stimulate the cervix in and prepare it for delivery. Additionally, oxytocin released when the woman experiences orgasms can also trigger labor contractions. It is better to consult the doctor before having sex at this stage of the pregnancy.
- Castor oil: While not very pleasant to taste, swallowing castor oil can induce labor by causing the colon to start contracting, which can then trigger contractions in the uterus.
- Stimulating the nipples: Your spouse should never try this method unless under the supervision of her doctor. While this is an effective method of inducing labor, it could prove harmful if overdone.
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