Getting a good night's sleep can sometimes seem to be near impossible. Whether it's the stress of work keeping you up all night, or the stresses of having to take care of a young child, getting the prescribed eight hours is anything but easy. However, the Mayo Clinic says there are a few ways that even the busiest dads can get some shuteye and be rested for the rigors of the day ahead.
1. Have a regular schedule. Everybody likes to sleep-in on the weekends, but unfortunately, that may be disrupting a normal sleeping pattern. By adhering to a relatively set schedule, your body's cycle will be more fine tuned and help you get to sleep more easily.
2. Don't eat or drink too much before bed. Eating too much food before you go to sleep, especially if its spicy or heavy, will certainly make for a restless slumber. Additionally, having a drink before bed will cause you to get up repeatedly to use the bathroom.
3. Exercise regularly. Along with being a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, aerobic exercise also helps when it comes to sleep as well.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, around 29 percent of adults report sleeping less than seven hours a night, and many view sufficient sleep as a luxury and not an important part of overall health.
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