Easy-to-read riddles by Jean Marzollo are paired with forty-six object-filled photographs by Walter Wick to create I Spy A to Z, the most engaging alphabet book ever! With more than thirty titles and 36 million books in print, the I Spy series continues to win the hearts and minds of parents and kids everywhere.
One (1) Grand Prize winner receives a Grand Prize Pack including:
- Wii Video Game ‘Ultimate I SPY’
- Board Game ‘I SPY Memory Game’
- I SPY A to Z: A Book of Picture Riddles
- I SPY Treasure Hunt
Four (4) runner-up winners receive a copy of the new book I SPY A to Z: A Book of Picture Riddles
GreatDad Contest
Win the Grand Prize or a copy of the I SPY A to Z: A Book of Picture Riddles. To
the contest, simply tell us what is the funniest thing you’ve heard a toddler say and why. Send in your answers using the comment
below. Last date for entries is June 22, 2009.
Read the rules and regulations.
Contest Update: The contest is closed. See the winner’s page.
i overheard my 7 year old daughter tell her friend say that they were going to steal and put on my bras and wear them to school to look sexy.then her friend said” yeah!! does she have any thongs??
The funniest thing said to me was by the toddler that lives next door. He said to me “You look funny”. I thought I looked pretty good that day so I have no idea why he said it!
funniest thing I heard one say to someone else- he got a bright a bright burger hanging in his nose when a guy was wearing a ring chain thing out his nose but it did look awful
It was from my son, in CHRUCH, and he asked me “Why do moms have ‘breastesses’?”
Will you really turn into a bug if you throw trash on the ground
my child has started asking me where do babies come from? I always tell him to go ask his daddy.
A child asked his parents where God is on their way into church one morning. His mom started explaining how God is everywhere when the child piped up and said “Oh, never mind, he’s in his office.” (He was referring to our gentle, white-haired pastor.)
my daughter once asked by an uncle if she potty trained. She said, I am but my mom is not, she is wearing one today!
My two girls talking in the back seat the other day. What is a chick fight anyway? My toddler says it’s when two girls throw baby chicks at each other!
We were grocery shopping the other day. After my orders at the deli were filled, the man asked if my daughter wanted anything. She replied that she would like a piece of cheese, and not the kind with holes in it
My son’s first hair cut was quite traumatic. It took lots of soothing and bribing to get through it. He was scared of the clippers, the barber, and the idea of something being cut from his body. On our second attempt to get his haircut, he informed us, as we were about to walk into the barber that his hair “Wasn’t weady yet, daddy. Wet’s twy tomorrow.”
A friends son was yawning, she asked if he was tired and he replied…No i am just stretching my mouth so I” can say big words.
It was my nephew’s birthday and we got a chocolate cake with yellow icing. I asked my neice if she wanted a piece of cake. She said yes but not a piece with the mustard on it. I thought it was funny, but the yellow icing did look like mustard.
A couple of years ago for Father’s Day my kids got me a shirt with a big “S” on the front to stand for Superdad but my 3 year old daughter innocently told my sister it stood for StupidDad!
On Mother’s Day, my friend’s granddaughter wished her “Happy Mustard Day!”
My toddler once asked me why he can’t have a baby in his belly and if he could have one when he grows up, then proceeded to puff out his belly and say “look mommy, now i have a baby too!!”
While helping to train my grandson, I was trying to get him to go potty one morning. He thought “no” so I said, “Well Grandma’s going potty.” He replied, “Good for you, Grandma.”
Funniest moments are when I think my son isn’t listening to me and my husband talk and then I hear him repeat my stories.
The funniest thing I ever heard a toddler say was, “Bye, have a good day!” It was funny because he said it as a customer was leaving, after she was finished arguing (very loudly) with a manager in a restaurant. Everyone was giggling, except the tot’s mom.
Thanks for the chance.
My 3 year old niece greeted me when I came over to visit and started “signing” a bad word over and over again. I looked up at her mom and she said “I told you I didn’t want to her you say that word again!”
She looked at her mom and said “I wasn’t saying it, I was singing it.”
I had to turn around and laugh into my hands.
When my daughter was small and it was raining out she would say ” Mommy I need my underbrella.”
I love how my son would pronounce salami, it was sammalomi
My grandson when he saw a photo of himself we had hanging up when he was a chubby baby blurted out, “I was fat?”
My son saw two frogs one day. One was sitting on top of the other. 🙂 He said look mommy, they are giving each other piggyback rides. 🙂
When I told my son he needed to share the money the grandparents had sent with his little brother and he said “No! Mine, all mine, I’m a happy miser” just like daffy duck in that Ali Baba Bunny cartoon. I almost died laughing.
I asked my grandson Sammy today if he knew how to open his yogurt pack, he said to me, “Watch & Learn”, I thought that was cute
My granddaughter loves my diamond ring and one afternoon she inquired, “Grandma, when you go overboard, can I have your ring.”
we were learning numbers and youngest said, “i feel bad for the number zero, cause it means nothing”
he loves junk like this, ? we can’t figure it out
One day my toddler had cried herself to sleep after throwing a fit. I peeked in on her later, with my neice, to see how she was sleeping. I then said to my little niece “oh she looks like an angel”, to which my niece replied in all seriousness, “I didn’t know angels could scream that loud.”
I was in chuirch one Sunday morning, and the service was at a very solemn and quiet moment, when a little boy piped up, “Mom, I gotta poop!” at the top of his lungs. Great!
I heard a child talking to another child and one said “My mommy doesn’t have a baby in her belly. She just has a big belly!”
My daughter likes to put on my shoes wanl walking around saying I’m Mommy!!
You kind of have to be there….
My daughter can’t say sequins she called them squeekings
My son asked for banana sausages instead of vienna sausages
my daughter used to call unicorns a horsey with a hornicorn
We play “I Spy” all the time in the car! This would be so much fun for a family to have!
My oldest daughters used to call her chocolate milk-filled bottles “toto bahs,” with an earnest, sad-like expression. Ah, memories.
We live in a desert and when we visited Tennessee my son called the trees “Big Broc Broc” which meant brocolli.
My friend’s young son said to his mother: “Mommy, that woman has a big butt.” The funny thing is that all of the adults who saw this person thought the same thing but the child said it.
Every once in a while when my kids (age 5 and 2) finish doing their business in the bathroom, they will say, “Pew, you don’t want to go it there!”
My youngest son is a toddler now and it’s so cute and funny when he says “aww, cute baby” to everything he sees, kittens, chickens, flies, you name it! lol
When my daughter was younger she had a special cup for her juice. She called it her Biggie Tea. Still not sure where she got that from but as she got older I saved the cup.
My son calls his private area his pizza. So one night we say lets have pizza for dinner, forgetting about little Mr.’s little Mr. He begins crying, holding himself and says, “No, don’t eat my pizza!” We explained, and all was well. But soooo cute and SOOO funny.
My oldest daughter use to call knives hurt the baby. lol We use to tell her that they would hurt the baby so she started calling them that. I hated it when she started calling them knives. lol Thank you!
The funniest thing I’ve heard a toddler say was that they were going to grow up to be a skyscraper so they can be taller than their dad
My son once overheard a conversation about my husband getting a prostate checkup- he asked me did he have to get one- and then he asked me if I had one.
I howled with laughter.
The funniest thing I ever heard a toddler say is: My daughter went to the bathroom with my husband. When he was washing his hands, she was under another stall and said Daddy that guy is doing cocky. the man slowly laughed. When asked why she looked under there she said because he had leprechaun shoes.
We were at a rest stop in Va. and this woman came in the restroom and my son looked at her and said..”you have a big butt..my aunt jenni don’t have a big butt”…she laughed..thank goodness because I was about to die.
About two days after we brought our newborn home from the hospital, her 2 year old sister asked us “Can we take her back now?”
This little 3 year old boy once said to me, “I don’t like you anymore”, and I said why? and he goes, “Cause I love you!” It was the most adorable thing ever.
My brothers used to say “I can’t want to!” everytime they didn’t want to do something.
I wrote this down when it happened right before Christmas so that I would never forget it… (TRUE STORY)
My son came home from school all excited because Santa had come to his classroom and he got to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas. He was very excited because he told me that we “might get a new brother.”
I asked him what he meant and he told me he asked Santa for an “elf” for Christmas. I asked, “Why do you want an elf for Christmas?”
My son replied, “Because an elf would help do the laundry and stuff…”
I asked, “Do we need an elf to help do the laundry?”
“Well, he will also play with Carson,” my son responded, referring to his baby brother.
“Really? Don’t you like playing with Carson?” I asked, wondering now about the motive behind this request for Santa.
My little guy rolled his eyes at me, which is quite cute coming from a 5-year-old, and stated quite matter-of-factly, “Yes, but an elf is tiny and Carson will have fun playing with him.”
Well, of course, I thought to myself. This is just what we need in our house! “I am not sure Santa is going to bring you an elf for Christmas, Buddy. I wouldn’t even know what to feed him…”
“Brussel sprouts,” The told me, without hesitation. Why do kids know this stuff? Did I once know what elves ate and lost that knowledge somewhere through the years (those years seem to be rapidly building by the way, but that is another story…)
My little one wanted to introduce me to his new friend. He opened the bathroom door and said, “That’s my Dad”. Fortunately, I was sitting.
I was nine months pregnant in a store check out line when the toddler behind me comments loudly to his mother that I was fat 🙂
🙂 Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! 🙂
My 2 year-old is in love with the Pixar Film “The Incredibles”. She loves to repeat lines from the movie and one day out of the blue looked at my wife and said “Mom, if we are going to make this work you need to be more than Mr. Incredible”. The delivery was hysterical!
My cousin’s daughter asked my aunt if she played with Noah (you know the one with the Ark?) when she was a kid. LOL!
When my Daughter was 2, she would introduce me to people as her friend Mommy. It was hilarious. She was very proud.
My girlfriend and I both had our babies within weeks of each other, so they have always been close. When they were about 3-4 they had both gone through that inquisitive period and the body parts of boys and girls. One day, they were playing in the living room while we were drinking coffee in the kitchen when we overheard her son tell my son that he when he grows up he is going to marry a woman with a lasagna. My son, always motivated by food, agreed that he too wanted to marry a woman with a lasagna. Needless to say, my friend and I almost choked on coffee and still laugh about that today.
My daughter once said to her cousin who has short hair that she looked like a boy.
A 3-year old asked me if I was 20 feet tall.
I asked my daughter to pick up her toys the other day and she looked at me and said “No thanks”
I was sick with a fever and all.. My son looks at me and ooo so serious said ” Mom I think you have a Beaver in your head” he then proceeded to feel my head and tell me “You need Doctor get Beaver out”.. hehee kids
The funniest thing I heard a child say was when my daughter was 2 and I noticed some money missing from my purse a week later when we needed money she brought it to me yelling “my money my money”
When my son pronouces Barack Obama it sounds like Wanac Osaka!
In the evening my son looked out the living room window and started crying. I asked him what was making him cry so hard he said, “the moon is broke”. As I looked out at the moon in was a crescent moon.
My daughter once told a waitress (when asked what I wanted to drink) that I only drink at night. We had a good laugh over that one since the waitress probably thought I was a drunk. I do most of my drinking at night because the kids are always snatching my juice and tea during the day LOL.
i was pregnant with twins and i had a set of twin toddlers. we were in line and one of my twins says to an overweight lady how many babies do you have in your belly!!!
I heard my nephew say, “I want to watch spongebob poopie pants” when he was learning the show. It hought it was pretty cute!
When we were at the cemetary my 8 year old grandaughter said “Gramma when you are buried here I will bring you flowers.” Then my grandson 6 years old said “I’ll bring you your Bronco.” Loved it.
When my 5 year old daughter was a little younger we got our family dog. One day we were taking him for a walk and she asked me why “Dylan (our dog) was leaving chocolate kisses on the grass” It was hilarious and gross that she thought the poop was Hershey Kisses.
My daughter asked me if I was going to be the boss of her again today. She didn’t want me to be the boss of her anymore.
When my son was in elementary school he got in trouble by his teacher and was sent home with a note.
I sat him on his bed and talked to him for a good hour about what he did wrong and that he needed to go apologize to his teacher the next day.
When our conversation ended I said “Ok now what are your going to do tomorrow morning when you see your teacher (hoping he would say apologize)” Instead he said he was going to “Kick her butt”
My son was taking a shower with me to save time one morning when he inquired “Where your pee-pee?”. No more showering together after that!
The rules say “Last day for entries June 22, 2009”. Well, it’s June 22, 2009 and right under the above it says “Contest Update: The contest is closed.” That stinks.!!
The funniest thing I’ve ever heard a toddler say was something my son said. We were having dinner and he said “umm good soup, umm umm good corn”! He sounded so grown up yet he was only 3 it was hilarious!