No matter how much you've prepared for your new baby's arrival with diapers, cribs and baby locks, there are just some things new dads can't ready themselves for – like all of the ways in which their lives will change. So just how will a new baby in the family affect your relationship with the guys?
The truth is, you're not going to have a lot of time to spend with your friends for the first few weeks after the baby is born. In addition to caring for your wife as she recovers from the delivery, you'll be changing diapers, warming up bottles and burping your newborn at regular intervals all day, every day. So if the guys call to invite you to the bar, you probably won't be able to jet off on a whim for a brew and a game. If your friends are fathers too, they'll understand – but if they're childless, be prepared for a bit of good-natured mocking.
If you do need a little time with your pals, make sure you talk it over with your wife to find a time that works for both of you – and return the favor by letting her have a day with the gals while you do all the baby work.
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