Unless you're lucky enough to have a wife who can throw a split-finger fastball with perfect form, you probably enjoy a certain rule over your own domain as a father. To solidify bragging rights for men worldwide, here are five things that dads generally do better than moms.
1. Teach kids the motor skills they need to be at the top of their junior league game. According to a recent study by Texas A&M System, dads are characteristically more physically involved with their children, which helps increase their youngster's physical competency (read: there's a deeper meaning to all those games of catch in the yard).
2. Help kids stand up for themselves as they age. The same study concluded that strong involvement from Dad helps kids solidify their self-image and self-esteem, as well as resist bullying and peer pressure.
3. Instill a sound sense of logic. This isn't to say that men always represent the more rational side of the equation, but male parenting styles on the whole tend to be more analytical than emotional. According to the researchers, kids who enjoy a lot of involvement from dad tend to develop longer attention spans, which may help them zero in on academic tasks down the road.
4. In a similar vein, children who enjoyed a lot of play-time with Dad in their formative years tend to be better problem-solvers. According to Civitas.org, kids who were challenged by their father's particular style of play scored better on thinking and problem-solving tests.
5. Promote model behavior toward women. Fathers who demonstrate respect toward their wives and other females early on are setting their sons up for better relationships with women later on in life (and are doing away with negative male stereotypes in the process).
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