Lots of soon-to-be parents don't realize exactly how much time a baby demands until the little one arrives! While your pre-baby lives were likely filled with dinner dates, romantic evenings and plenty of alone time before the baby came along, things are about to change – drastically. There's nothing sexy about getting no sleep, changing soiled diapers and caring for a newborn 24/7, but keeping the romance alive in a home with a young child is important if you want your marriage to survive.
"Romance for parents happens in the cracks of life, in the in-between moments," explains Ericka Lutz of BabyZone.com. "It's rarely the main event."
But does that mean you won't be able to spend one-on-one time with your wife? Of course not. It just means that you'll have to work harder at demonstrating your love and affection through the little gestures, not the big ones. A smile over dinner, a squeeze of her hand while watching a movie or some unexpected flowers picked up on the way home from work are all excellent ways of showing the woman in your life that you still admire her, even if you don't have much time to show it.
Another good way to keep the relationship steamy? Texts and emails. The kids can't read 'em, and they're a nice, easy way to tease your wife and remind her how sexy she is to you – even if you can't make good on your promises until later in the week.
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