If you're the type of adventurer who likes to share his love of the great outdoors with others, then you probably can't wait until your little one is finally able to accompany you out into the backcountry for a camping trip. However, it's also important that you impart some knowledge on your kid in case the worst should happen on the trails. Here are some basic survival tips to teach your son or daughter to survive in case you become separated.
Be prepared
When you arrive at your campsite, give your child a thorough tour of the area so the surrounding landscape becomes familiar. You should also make sure your little one always carries a supply of water, some food, warm clothing, noisemakers and a flashlight with batteries to help last until rescue arrives.
Survival 101
While it might seem sensible for your child to start making his or her way back to camp, the first rule of survival is to stay put and wait for help to arrive. It's very easy to stray even farther from camp if you don't know the terrain, so you may want to stress the importance staying in one place to your child. Your child can shout and use the flashlight and noisemakers to signal for help.
Dangerous animals
There are all manner of creatures in the woods, some of which can be very dangerous. To reduce the chance that your child will stumble upon a bear or coyote, advise him or her to make plenty of noise when moving, look for tell-tale droppings or tracks and avoid food sources or animal carcasses that may attract predators.
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