Once you've gotten over your fear of holding your wife's purse while she visits the OB/GYN, it's time to get down to the real crux of the matter. Being an involved husband and father is more than putting yourself in sometimes uncomfortable situations. It's about delving in there and really seeking to absorb the whole experience, down to the last breastfeeding testimonial on the back cover of that pregnancy magazine in the waiting room.
Wondering what it's worth? A national study found that the the number one factor in determining whether women went to their prenatal visits was the support of their partners.
Here are a few basic questions that every expectant father should know to ask the doctor:
1. Is it safe to have sex while my wife is pregnant? (Note: The answer is likely yes.)
2. What are some basic chores or activities better left to me over the next nine months?
3. Who can I contact in the case of an emergency? If you're occupied when my wife goes into labor, who will deliver my baby?
4. What are the best pregnancy books for me to read?
5. When do you use an intervention in labor?
6. What are your vaginal birth rates?
If you're already a proud dad and your wife has previously had a cesarean, it may be wise to ask your doctor what his policy on and experience level is like with VBAC, or vaginal birth after cesarean.
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