The early years of courtship and marriage are usually full of romance… and sex. Soon however, the chores of bringing up children, domestic duties, and professional goals take their toll, and sex often takes a backseat. However, there are ways to liven up your sagging sex life.
- Introduce surprises: One reason for the lack of sex in the lives of couples who have been married a few years, could be the predictability that creeps into their lives. The solution: Infuse little surprises into your love life. Stick little ‘love notes’ where your spouse would least expect them, on her pillow, or in her bag, etc. Surprise her by arranging a romantic candle light dinner. A great idea would be to pack off the kids to their grandparents and plan a romantic weekend somewhere.
- Enjoy things together: An important way to get your love life back is to create the time to spend together. If there is something you both like to do, now is the time to indulge yourself. Enroll for a dance class, take up tennis, go on long cycling trips…whatever.
- Write letters: For women, sex is mental—they are turned on by words. One sure way of boosting your love life is to start writing letters to your spouse. You can tell her how much you love her, and what it is about her that you love. Receiving letters from you is sure to turn her on and help to rekindle your sex life.
- Read about sex: Start reading erotic literature together. There is nothing like reading sex stories as a prelude to a stormy session in bed.
- Share your fantasies: Once you get over the initial awkwardness, you are sure to enjoy this. You will be surprised at the wonders it does to your sex life.
Hi. It really doesn’t matter if the person who hurt you deserves to be forgiven. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. You have things to do and you want to move on.
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With best wishes :(, Keene.