As a father, it can be difficult to think of your children as anything more than good-natured little troublemakers. Sure, they get out of hand sometimes, but bending the rules in pursuit of fun is part of what being a kid is all about. Because of this fatherly perception you have of your little ones, it can be a shock to discover that your son got into his first playground fight. Before you blow your top, here are some tips to help you and your boy sort through this news.
While schools often implement a no-tolerance policy on fighting to avoid taking sides, it's to your advantage to hear your son's side of the story. Sit him down and have him go over the events that led up to the conflict. Many playground scuffles are the result of a taunt or shove that gets blown out of proportion, so making time to listen will help you understand who instigated the fight and determine your next course of action.
Whether your son was acting aggressively or simply defending himself, try to emphasize the seriousness of fighting. Also, consider encouraging your child to solve his conflicts with words or simply walk away from the situation, as school authorities are rarely lenient when it comes to fighting of any kind. While it's up to your own understanding of the situation to determine a possible punishment, it may be beneficial to speak with the school principle and parents of the other child about the boys apologizing to each other.
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