If your son is approaching age 12 or 13 (or even younger in some cases), then you've probably begun to notice some of the earliest signs of puberty. Breaking into adolescence can be a challenging time for boys and girls alike, and your son will need his dad there to help him adjust and understand the changes his body will be going through. Here are some tips for your boy to survive becoming a man.
Throughout his childhood, your son hasn't experienced much bodily change besides growing taller every year – and that's about to change in a big way. With his voice cracking one day and hair sprouting in unexpected places the next, you'll help set his mind at ease by discussing exactly what twists and turns he can expect in the near future.
While this might be an uncomfortable talk, it's better not to hold back on any details – just let him know that puberty is something every boy and girl must go through. Once your son realizes how his body will be transforming, he may start to notice some of these changes happening to his friends much earlier than for him, while others are way behind. Explain that puberty hits all boys at different times because rates of progression are based on when their bodies are ready to mature – and that there's no right or wrong time for that to happen.
In addition to your parental guidance, give your son a couple of books about puberty and adolescence so he can learn and explore on his own without feeling embarrassed.
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