The sudden and unexpected death of pop singer Michael Jackson has created intense media scrutiny over the musician’s life. But it has also produced an opportunity for fathers to broach the hard subject of death with their children.
Though some children may be too young to appreciate who Jackson was as a performer, they are most likely aware enough to realize that the singer is now dead.
Fathers can use their delicate parenting skills to talk about the very public death of Jackson, focusing on the emotions a child may have about the celebrity’s passing. Remember to be honest and to answer as many questions as possible. Also, don’t be afraid to say "I don’t know."
While it’s true Jackson may not have been part of a child’s immediate family, fathers encouraging their children to talk opening about the news may help them cope if they experience a sudden loss of a loved one in the future.
One thing to keep in mind is to not brush off the question or subject with the phrase "you’re too young to understand." While all aspects of death need not be revealed, simply pushing the issue under the rug will not help a child’s development.
Two years ago my two sons and I attended my grandfather’s funeral. My kids were then 3 & 4 and they had only seen their great grandpa on a couple of occasions. It was not easy to explain to them about death (that was their first experience), but once we had talked about it, it was easier for them to understand it. It was clear they had grasped the concept when, two years later, a closer uncle died tragically. Kids are never too young to understand, as long as the parents take the time to explain.