Millburn, NJ (July 31, 2008) β Parents know tucking tots into bed takes patience, caring, and lots of love. Game maker Briarpatch makes this nighttime ritual child’s play with the launch of the Beddy-Bye Baby game. The game teaches preschoolers the ins and outs of caring for baby β and as always, Briarpatch makes learning fun!
According to Marc Shinderman, General Manager of Briarpatch, “The popularity of playing with baby dolls demonstrates that taking care of baby is a favorite pretend activity among preschool children. Briarpatch has incorporated this favorite play pattern into a sweet, simple game that embraces a child’s love and fascination for baby.”
In this sweet dream of a board game, each player selects a baby and carriage in pastel pink, blue, yellow, or green. On turn, players roll the rattle die and move their carriages down the path to beddy, while collecting a teddy bear, baby bottle and snuggly pajamas. But don’t be surprised if baby is sleepy, playful or fussy! The first player to enter the nursery with all of baby’s needs and snuggly tuck in baby wins the game. Like many Briarpatch games, no reading is required and up to 4 people can play — making this a delightful addition to family game night.
Each Beddy-Bye Baby boxed game comes with 48 playing cards including teddy bear, pajamas, baby bottle and Beddy-Bye illustrated cards; a game board, 4 baby carriage tokens and a die that sounds like a baby’s rattle when shaken. Complete game rules in the form of a booklet are included. Beddy-Bye Baby will be on retail shelves in Spring 2008 with a suggested retail price of $19.99. Ages 4 +, no reading skills required.
About Briarpatch
Briarpatch’s strong legacy of stimulating children’s lives through fun and eco-friendly products has earned the company over 270 industry awards (and counting). Since its founding, the company’s cofounders applied environmentally conscious business practices in such innovative ways as using vegetable and soy-based inks and posting consumer materials.
A key ingredient to Briarpatch’s success has been to combine fun with learning. Both parents and children adore the exciting new licenses and products that Briarpatch continually brings to market. Few game and puzzle companies can boast a green thumb while enriching childhood. For more information about all Briarpatch board, puzzle, card and travel games, click on
GreatDad Beddy-bye Baby Game Contest: Win a Beddy-bye Baby Game by simply answering the question – what, according to you, is the best or worst part about being a dad? Funny answers, sentimental answers, or even insightful answers will be preferred. Last date for entries is August 24, 2008.
Read the rules and regulations.
Contest Update: The contest is closed. See the winner’s page.
Baby Smiles.
Always bring right
The best part, as I am a single Mom, is that my kids call me “Mopi”, which is a combination of Mommy and Poppi. Whenever I am doing something usually considered “man’s work”, like fixing the plumbing or cutting down a tree, they always so “Oh look, she’s Mopi today”.
best- watching them grow worst- terrible 2s
Best part of being a daddy – a beautiful son to love. Worst part- 2am, 3am, 4am… will I ever sleep again??? I hope those teeth come it quickly!
I am not a dad yet, but my wife and I are adopting a little girl from China next year. I am imagining the best part is just being there for her and supporting her as she grows up and most of all, showing her our love.
You can have the worst day at work and you get home and the kids says “Hi Daddy” and you no longer worry about your day at work!
worst part is always worrying, if they are okay whenthey are at school, when they are asleep, worry worry worry.but the best is when they’re happy, their laughter brings pure joy!
Best part is watching your kids grow up into great adults
The best part is watching them grow up. The worst part is watching them grow up.
The best part is all the love your children give you and all the love you have for them.
hugs and kisses brighten my day everytime π
The best part of being a dad is not caring when my child throws up on me, and trying to explain to my single friends how cute baby projectile vomiting can be.
Looking into their eyes for the first time and knowing there is no love like it.
The best part is coming home to a big hug and smile from a long day at work.
Being a responsible role model and not exhibiting crude behavior in front of the kids.
The whole “do as I say…not as I do” thing.
The best part about being a dad is when your daughter trusts you enough to share what is to her the most important secret with you.
The best part about being a dad is when your daughter trusts you enough to share what is to her the most important secret with you.
according to my friend, the best thing about being a dad is having someone to share experiences with and pass knowledge onto
Bedtime hassles with wide awake kids is the worst time for Dad.
I think that worst part of being a dad must be missing the feeling of your childs first kick, but the best part has got to be not having to go through labor!
Learning the names of all the princesses, and getting corrected when you inevitably forget who has a tale and who marries a Beast. Putting tiny dresses on princess dolls at a baseball game adds a whole new element to the game!
The worst part is having to watch your child go through something that hurts them but you know that it is part of life that they must experience. It is so hard to not intervene and make it all better for them.
Watching my Son being a Dad for the first time. He is sweet and kind the the girls. He is the greatest of all Dads. But, the worst part is being Daddy to another man’s daughter. I see him suffering over the lack of attention the Other daddy exibits.
The best thing for me is watching the looks in my grandkids faces when their dad walks in the room. I am so thankful that each of my daughters married men who happen to be fantastic fathers.
watching your sons grow up
I just remember the wonderful job that my father did raising his kids
The best part of being a dad is seeing the smiles and hearing the screams of “daddy” and the big bear hugs I get when I walk in the door each day. It’s amazing!
The worst: knowing that she has an a$$plosion in her diaper and I’ve got to change her. The best, when she first wakes up in the morning, and I pick her up out of her crib and she smiles that toothless smile at me.
i can only imagine but watching my kids with their dad and then watching their dad it is the unconditional love and respect in their eyes as they look up into his!!!
What, according to you, is the best or worst part about being a dad?
I think the very best part about having a child is growing with them. You go from knowing it all, seen it all, and done it all, to a completely new existence where everything is new again. And every day you see them grow, little by little – and though we are adults, we change and grow, little by little as well.
When you look at them and you see what they are becoming or have become, we take a reflective glance at ourselves and we see just how much we’ve grown as well.
That is the best part of being a father.
Thank you π
Great prize.
Thanks for all the excellent contests!
Nice, thank you!!
Trying to not laugh when the kids do something bad but it is funny and you try and discipline them without losing your composure
My son doesn’t have a father, I’m dating around but will choice one that will be great for him mostly!
The worst thing about being a dad is picking up baby and getting spit up in your hair!
Best part is watching your kids grow up into great adults, knowing you did good job!
Letting go of them to college or marriage