Even when your baby is only two months old, you should keep her gums healthy and clean. Gently wipe her gums with a wet, clean, soft cloth every day. The most important thing to remember is never to put your baby to bed with a bottle. And never prop up the bottle at any time.
Any kind of drink except water can cause a baby’s teeth to decay, even breast milk and infant formula. Other liquids that cause tooth decay are powdered fruit drinks, soda and juice. Any drink that contains sugar can cause tooth decay when your baby gets older. A two-month-old baby should drink only breast milk, formula or water.
Here are some tips to follow to protect your baby’s teeth:
- Always hold your baby during feedings. Do not prop up the bottle or
leave a bottle in your baby’s bed. - If your baby needs a pacifier at bedtime, make sure it is clean and dry.
- Do not dip the pacifier in honey or sweet liquids. Your baby might like
the sweet taste, but these liquids will cause tooth decay when her teeth
come in. Germs in honey can also make a baby sick. - Help prevent the spread of germs to your baby. You and your family
should have regular dental checkups to help keep your own teeth and
gums healthy. Clean the nipples of your baby’s pacifiers and bottles by
washing with soap and rinsing carefully and thoroughly with clean
water. Do not lick your baby’s pacifier or bottle nipples to “clean” them.
This content has been provided freely by CMC. Click Healthy Start, Grow Smart—Your Two-Month-Old for your free download. Click GreatDad Free Ebook to download the entire Health Start, Grow Smart series.
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Thanks for the information. I’ve heard about juice and infant formula, but I’m surprised that you include breast milk as being cariogenic. Perhaps you could provide some references to the medical literature or policy statements from paediatric dental sources.