Is it all right to take my baby outdoors?
It is a good idea if your baby spends some time outdoors every day, as long as the weather is not too hot or too cold and as long as he is feeling good. Babies should be dressed for the weather. If he is sweaty or flushed, remove some clothes. If he is shivering or has goose bumps, add some clothes. It is important for your baby to wear a cap to cover his head in cold weather.
Use sunscreen made for babies. Put it on your baby before you take him outside. Even with sunscreen, it’s best to keep him shaded when he is outdoors. Keep him out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The sun is hottest during this time. Don’t let him get sunburned.
Is it all right to take my baby to crowded places?
The only problem with crowds of people is the germs that your baby might pick up. People want to hold or pick up a small baby. Babies can pick up illnesses very easily. Try to keep strangers from playing with your baby. It can prevent the spread of germs. You should also keep your baby away from people who are sneezing or who have runny noses.
This content has been provided freely by CMC. Click Healthy Start, Grow Smart—Your-Three-Month-Old for your free download. Click GreatDad Free Ebook to download the entire Health Start, Grow Smart series.
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i am the proud father of a beautiful 3 month old girl. she is a pretty good baby while at home with mom and i, but turns into a different baby when grandmother watches her. grandmother is her babysitter and watches her about 3 to 4 times a week. while grandmother is watching her, she will cry about 90% of the time she is there and crying is the screaming crying. while at home, she is pretty consistent in feeding as well as her naps. it seem the only time she cries at home is when she is hungry, or tired and fighting her nap. grandmother has told mom and i that she will start screaming soon after her first feeding with her and really doesnt stop until she drops her off. she has said that she has rocked and walked her around with no luck. she said that she has put in the crib but always gives in after 15 to 20 minutes. mom and i are wondering if our little screamer is showing grandmother her lungs because she misses us, or just isnt used to grandmother yet. do 3 month olds know when mom and dad aren’t around to the point that he/she would behave this way.